The East Palestine City School District is focused on bringing the best education to all of our students. We are well aware that we must continue to keep our focus, maintain rigorous school curriculum, materials, assessments, and hold strong on accountability measures that include problem-solving and critical thinking skills which are vital to college and career readiness standards. To continue our drive forward, our strategic plan provides focus to strengthen our culture of collaboration, Increase student achievement and close the achievement gap, maintain safe and productive facilities, provide budgetary transparency,  and empower parents to serve as partners in the educational process.

Everyone in the East Palestine City School District matters in the overall development of our district’s students; family members, school employees, community members, neighbors, and business owners - we count on you as part of our team vested in the futures of our students. The love, guidance, care and support that you provide is of the utmost importance to each child’s growth and development. Henry Ford said it best, “Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is a progress; working together is a success.” East Palestine City School District is thrilled to embark upon another year of continued partnership for the benefit of our youth. Our combined efforts will propel our district forward and intensify the quality of each child’s education.

My door is always open - If you wish to make an appointment to see me, please contact Cindy Dunn at 330 426 4191, or you may prefer to make an appointment to see me during office hours which are prior to every Board meeting until 5:30 p.m.

Again, thank you! We are grateful for the support you provide to our community’s future generations. 

And as always, GO BULLDOGS!!!

Chris Neifer
